Dr.Ed's free thoughts

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lunedì, settembre 22, 2008

Richard Wright

(English version comes after the Italian one)

Una settimana fa, Richard Wright ci ha lasciati.
E' stato il tastierista dei Pink Floyd. Per tutti noi che, nonostante tutto, ancora pensavamo che i Pink Floyd avessero senso dopo il 1983, e' la fine (nel modo piu' drammatico) di uno dei gruppi che ha segnato la storia del rock.
Richard Wright e' stato un buon tastierista. Non era un virtuoso e non lo ricorderemo per chissa' quali assolo. Il segno di Wright resta, pero', in un modo di suonare che dava "spessore" ed eleganza ai pezzi dei Pink Floyd.
Personalmente devo a Wright "The great gig in the sky", il mio pezzo preferito di "The dark side of the moon".
Sicuramente, al fianco di Bach, si trovera' bene in Paradiso.



A week ago, Richard Wright has left us.
He has been the keyboard player of Pink Floyd. For all of us who, against all odds, still thought that Pink Floyd made sense after 1983, this is the end (in the most dramatic way) of one of the groups which has had more importance in the history of rock.
Richard Wright was a good keyboard player. He wasn't a virtuoso and we will not remember him for who knows which solo. Wright's signature stays, nevertheless, in a way of playing which gave "depth" and elegance to Pink Floyd songs.
Personally I owe to Wright "The great gig in the sky", my favourite song from "The dark side of the moon".
Surely, next to Bach, he'll be fine in Heaven.
